The Verdant Managed Portfolios are a range of discretionary managed investment strategies managed by Scottsdale that invest in collective securities (unit trusts and OEICs) to access a range of asset classes including Equities, Absolute Return Funds, Bonds, Commercial Property and Commodities. The portfolios only hold UCITS funds (Undertakings for Collective Investments in Transferable Securities) ensuring favourable tax treatment for Spanish residents when held within a suitable investment bond. The Verdant Managed Portfolios Models aim to outperform their relevant peer group average over a full market cycle. A focus on protecting assets on the downturn means the portfolios also tend to exhibit lower volatility than peers.
Asset allocation and fund research information from Morningstar is used to construct the risk rated Verdant Managed Portfolios, which are rebalanced on a quarterly basis. Scottsdale utilises the Morningstar risk tolerance questionnaire to determine each investor’s capacity to accept risk, in order to direct them to the appropriate Verdant portfolio.
About Morningstar
Morningstar is a leading provider of independent investment research in North America, Europe, Australia, and Asia. Morningstar and its investment management subsidiaries (Morningstar Investment Management Europe Limited regulated by the FCA in the UK) offer an extensive line of products and services for individual investors, financial advisors, asset managers, and retirement plan providers and sponsors. Morningstar, provides data on more than 500,000 investment offerings, including stocks, mutual funds, and similar vehicles, along with real-time global market data on more than 17 million equities, indexes, futures, options, commodities, and precious metals, in addition to foreign exchange and treasury markets. Morningstar also offers investment management services through its investment management subsidiaries, with more than $170 billion in assets under advisement and management as of Sept. 30, 2015. Morningstar has operations in 27 countries.
Verdant Managed Portfolios benefits
The Verdant Managed Portfolios cover an extensive range of collective investments, enabling clients to invest on a global and multi-asset basis. Collective funds increase portfolio diversification and liquidity. With a total of ten strategies to choose from, five denominated in Sterling and five in Euro, clients can own an investment portfolio that meets their personal financial objectives and preferred level of risk.
Investment Strategies are available:
Verdant Defensive & Verdant Defensive Euro
Verdant Conservative & Verdant Conservative Euro
Verdant Moderate & Verdant Moderate Euro
Verdant Balanced & Verdant Balanced Euro
Verdant Growth & Verdant Growth Euro
The service differs significantly from those provided by many of our competitors, because it does not “unitise” investors within a single large portfolio and allocate units in a fund of funds. Clients will have their own Strategy of collective investments, making it quick and easy to see the exposure to each fund.
The key benefits are:
- Spanish compliant for tax purposes
- Traded daily to ensure liquidity and rebalanced quarterly to ensure portfolios remain with agreed risk profile
- Professional active management focused on delivering compelling risk-adjusted performance
- Clients hold their own portfolio of individual funds rather than being “pooled” in a single fund with other investors
- Flexibility to switch easily between Strategies if clients’ circumstances change
- A choice of five investment Strategies and two currencies to match clients’ attitudes to risk and investment needs
- Quarterly factsheets
For more information or to access the Verdant Managed Portfolios, please contact:
Scottsdale Overseas
Ruta De La Cesteria 8
Buzon 33
Campos Del Rio
Murcia, 30191
Telephone: +34 902 099 250