Getting the best financial advice is about more than financial expertise. It is about:
- Having someone you can rely on.
- Knowing you are being kept up to date with financial information so that you get the best advice and great products.
- Being spoken to in plain English rather than jargon, so you really understand what you are being advised to do.
- Being confident that your adviser is using their knowledge and expertise to make sure you don’t miss any opportunities or fall into any tax traps.
- Being open and honest so that you always know exactly what charges and fees you will pay.
- Having a relationship you value.
At Scottsdale, everything starts and finishes with our relationship with you. Each and every one of our clients is different which means the advice and help we give you will be as individual as you are.
The aim is simple; to guide you through the financial implications, opportunities and pitfalls that living abroad brings.
We pride ourselves on tailoring our advice to meet the needs of individual clients and offering a full range of financial solutions; from simple off-the-shelf products to a carefully arranged mix of products tailored to achieve specific objectives. It all depends on you and your plans.