Can I avoid paying council tax on an empty property?

For many British expats, it is common to have a property back in the UK. Often, the property will be rented out (e.g. on a Buy to Let or “lease to let” basis), providing an income to cover the mortgage, pay for maintenance/admin costs and, hopefully, generate a small profit. However, owning property in this way can bring complications, especially regarding tax.

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The Spanish Exit Tax: A Short Guide

Many British people (understandably) dream of their anticipated new life overseas. Yet have you considered what might happen if you leave your country of destination? In Spain, an “Exit Tax” can apply to certain UK citizens when they formally move to another country.

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Which taxes should I be paying as an expat?

Taxes can seem complicated enough when you only live in the UK. However, living as a British expat in Spain can appear even more so, since you might need to pay Spanish taxes instead (or in addition!). How can you navigate all of this confidently and avoid pitfalls?

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