Cybercrime: how to protect yourself as an expat

Did you know that nearly 50% of UK businesses experienced a cyberattack in 2024? This totaled to 7.78 million attacks leading to an average cost of £3,230.13.

Individuals are not immune either. Nearly 500 potential threats are spotted every second, and expats can be particularly at risk due to feeling vulnerable in a new country and unfamiliar with social norms and practices.

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Care and inheritance: a short guide

In the UK, the cost of care can be staggeringly high. The average cost of residential care stands at average of £1,160 a week. Nursing care is typically more expensive, at £1,410 per week. Homeowners can be especially worried about going to care, fearing that their home may need to be sold to cover the fees.

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Income vs lump sum for financial protection

How can you provide an effective safety net for your finances? A good starting point is to hold a strong set of emergency savings (e.g. 3-6 months’ worth of living costs) in an easy-access account. However, this will only take you so far in the event of a serious illness or accident which stops you from working.

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Health, income & life protection: a short guide

Do you have a financial safety net ready in case of emergencies? As an expat, the need for a financial protection plan can be even more urgent due to the nature of spending considerable time abroad. What if you need to fly home quickly for a family emergency? What if a serious illness or accident leaves you unable to work and earn money for a significant period? Perhaps your host country and/or local employer is not as generous, say, with sick pay and benefits compared to those in the UK and elsewhere.

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Financial protection when living overseas: a short guide

In the excitement of moving (or retiring) to a place like Spain, it is easy for British expats to overlook the key “What if?” questions. Yet identifying what could go wrong – and laying out a financial protection plan – could be crucial to safeguard your wealth and lifestyle.

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